Our Services
Community Education & Outreach
About The Program
CMHA promotes mental health education and community outreach to break the stigma associated with mental illness. The program hosts festivities and events during Mental Health Awareness Month in May, at our annual fundraising event, “Unmasking Mental Illness Masquerade Ball” in October, and throughout the year.
Proceeds from all fundraising events go directly to support programs and services provided by CMHA. In addition, CMHA staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers work hard to educate the community at large on breaking the stigmas of mental illness and addiction by providing educational events and workshops throughout the year.
CMHA staff are available to speak to local groups regarding mental illness/substance abuse disorders, our diversion programs and advocacy services available in our community.
Masquerade Ball "Unmasking Mental Illness"
CMHA’s biggest fundraiser, the annual Masquerade Ball provides funds to benefit peer support activities and services for individuals living with mental illness and addiction, crisis response services for Carroll County citizens, and an array of other programs and services for both individuals and their families affected by mental illness. The 2024 event will be held on October 5, 2024.
Past Ball Honorees include:
- 2018 Betty Cason, Probate Court Judge
- 2019 Terry Langley, Carroll County Sheriff
- 2021 Dr. Fred Richards
- 2022 Joel Richards, Carrollton Police Chief
- 2023 Tanner Health System

Crisis Intervention Training (CIT)
CMHA also hosts Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) for law enforcement and first responders in Carroll County to provide information and tools to better handle situations involving persons with mental illness.

Friendsgiving Luncheon
Carroll County Mental Health Advocates hosted the fourth annual Friendsgiving Luncheon on November 15, 2023 at the Stallings Community Building. Over 100 CMHA clients, Board Members, and invited guests attended the event. Attendees enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving feast catered by Get Down Catering..

May Mental Health Awareness Month Events
CMHA promotes mental health education and community awareness to break the stigma associated with mental illness. During the month of May, “Mental Health Awareness Month,” the program hosts events including Community Conversations, First Responder Wellness events, a community art project at Mayfest arts and crafts festival and an agency Open House.

Shine Green Carroll
CMHA distributed lightbulbs and “Shine Green Carroll” signs to local businesses inviting them to light up their building with green lights to call attention to mental illness during the month of May. Over 60 businesses and organizations participated in this community education and awareness event.